Residential Cleaning Services

Our residential cleaning services include both basic and deep cleaning. We can assist you with both moving into and out of your new home. We can make sure you you don’t lose any of your security deposit to cleaning fees. We’ll devise a cleaning strategy that addresses all of your cleaning requirements. Weekly, biweekly, or monthly service is possible. For example, it might be a weekly cleaning with a once-a-month deep-clean to ensure we’re keeping up with cobwebs, cupboards, doors and baseboards. Call us immediately so we can create a cleaning plan tailored to your specific requirements.

Basic Kitchen Cleaning

Clean and sanitize counters, sinks, backsplash

Vacuum and mop floor

Clean microwave interior

Clean and sanitize stove top and drip pans

Dust cabinet exterior

Clean exterior of all appliances

Clean tables and chairs

Basic Bathroom Cleaning

Clean and scrub showers and bathtubs

Clean and sanitize all counters and sinks

Clean and sanitize toilets, counters, and sinks

Clean mirrors and fixtures

Fold towels

Vacuum and wash floors

All Rooms

Furniture dusted and polished

Dust baseboards, windowsills, and decorative items

Dust blinds, ceiling fans and light fixtures (within reach of a 2 step ladder)

Remove cobwebs

General tidy-up

Vacuum all floors

Clean hard wood floors

Stairs (vacuumed, wood dusted)

Wastebaskets emptied and taken to outdoor receptacle

Spot clean light switch plates

Deep Cleaning

Includes all the above services plus:

Wash baseboards, doors, door frames, windowsills, cabinet exteriors

Spot clean walls

Pictures and knickknacks hand wiped

Bed linens changed

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Internal Employees

We do the job right the first time. All of our staff are W-2 internal employees. We work hard to ensure everyone we send into the field is prepared to give A+ service

Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you are unsatisfied with our service, please contact us within 24 hours and we will send someone out to correct the issue.